Experiencing God’s Work in our Participant’s lives
It is never too late to make a change! With God all things are possible and that is exactly what our Spring 2020 Graduate determined upon completing our program. It was her dream to become a pharmacy technician and she followed that dream!
Juanita reached her goal in January of 2022, just two years following her completion of our program at CWJC. We celebrate her determination, her tireless efforts and her trust in God to make all things better in His own time.
Congratulations, Juanita!
Sharon Maurer
Executive Director
God’s Strength Gave Esther Hope
Esther was a student that had so much joy, it was contagious! She was studious and took to heart what our classes taught her. Towards the end of our semester she realized her dream to become a CNA was possible!
God gave her strength to research her options and she was able to find a way to get her classes paid for in return for a commitment to working there for some time after she completed them. She did not waste any time! In fact, she started her CNA classes the day our classes at CWJC ended.
Some time later that summer she stopped in my office to say hello and to pick up her graduation gifts. It was then that I learned that she completed her training and was going to become a nurse! I was elated!
It is always amazing to see how God strenthens us and makes our paths straight in the direction he leads.
Congratulations, Esther! Keep your heart open to all that God has in store for you!
One Step at a Time
Evelyn was a participant in the Spring of 2023! She came to EmpowHER with a dream to get her CDL license and work for public transportation. She would come in early to class and would have her book with her to study. She knew that driving was her passion and she trusted God’s timing to show her the way.
One day we had a guest speaker come and present a resume workshop. This person knew that City Link, the public bus transportation in Abilene, would train you to become a bus driver. This was excellent news!
Evelyn went on her own initiative and set up an interview and was hired on the spot! The funny part of the story is that she did not want to start working until after our program was finished because she got so much from our classes.
We are so proud of you, Evelyn! Keep up the good work!