Volunteer Spotlight: Juanell Castleberry

In today’s Volunteer Spotlight, I want to introduce you to Juanell Castleberry. Juanell has been volunteering for a year…and she came just in time!

Last summer, we were in need of someone to teach our Jobs ForLife (JFL) class. Juanell saw our volunteer ad on Facebook and decided to check out what CWJC was all about.

I remember her first visit, knowing how much we needed her, but not wanting to push her to jump in until she was sure. I asked her to pray about serving first. I was like, “Pray about it…quickly!” Lol!

After some thought she did decide to be a part of CWJC’s ministry. She knew that her skills set from her past work in Human Resources could be used to meet the needs of the woman we serve—and the rest is history! She felt it was “important for women to have information and the skills to get a job.” We concur.

Our JFL class is one of our core classes we use in preparing our participants for their future employment. It takes them through a journey of self-discovery and planning for their next step of action. Juanell likes the curriculum because it “interweaves Biblical principles and character traits the women can relate to and learn from.”  

She recalls one participant, Kelli (name has been changed), who came to our program feeling uncertain of a recent interview she had just undergone. Juanell recalls that, Kelli “already had the skills and needed a little push in spreading her wings and gaining her self-confidence.”

There is a common thread that seems to be true about our participants: They “all have their own story…they are all trying to overcome something…they are very willing and want to learn, not just pass the time.”

She sees the importance that the volunteers play in the women’s lives by just being a cheerleader for them. She says that you “don’t need to have a ton of knowledge…you just have to be available.” Amen to that!

 What does she enjoy most about volunteering with CWJC? She says that she gets the most joy from seeing the progress the women make along the way, as compared to when they initially start classes. It’s like “a light bulb” lights up and they start to see that they have “lots of choices” which builds their confidenceeven more, and allows them to dream of what they can do.

 Thank you, Juanell, for your heart to see women follow their dreams.


Volunteer Spotlight: Mrs. Rosser